Charged with Sex Crimes in Pittsburgh, PA
Pittsburgh Criminal Sex Crimes Defense Attorney
In the current state of American society, one simple accusation of unsolicited sexual behavior can ruin an individual's life. Under Pennsylvania law, there are number of different sex crime charges, all of which carry the same humiliation and public disgrace in addition to legal penalties. Sex crimes involve any criminal activity relating to the sexual gratification of the defendant and can reach the level of a first degree offense, which has the potential for a lifelong prison sentence.
With the stakes as high as they are for sex crime charges and the bias that is ever prevalent against those accused of such behavior, it is important for defendants to have adequate representation of their rights and interests in the courtroom and on the public platform. At Blaine Jones Law, LLC, our Pittsburgh criminal defense attorneys are committed to defending clients against a wide range of sex crime charges in a manner that adequately represents the defendants' rights and interests equally in the courtroom.
Being accused of a sex crime can be devastating. In far too many cases, the public judges a defendant guilty until proven innocent. The charges must be fought aggressively, both in the courtroom and in the court of public opinion. Attorney Blaine Jones understands the embarrassment, anger and frustration that often accompany being accused of a sex crime. Such charges can have a negative impact on a defendant's relationship with family and friends, they may even lead to job loss and a lifetime sentence as a registered sex offender. The best defense is an aggressive offense. Do not speak with authorities. Do not attempt to talk your way out of trouble. Call Blaine Jones Law, LLC for a confidential consultation to discuss your rights.
Sex Crimes in Pennsylvania
Under Pennsylvania law, there are number of criminal charges that fall under the larger category of sex crime. Here are some specific areas of sex crime that the Pittsburgh criminal attorneys have handled cases in:
Indecent Exposure
While this charge does not necessarily involve physical or even verbal interaction between a defendant and an alleged victim, indecent exposure occurs when an individual bares his or her genitalia in a setting where people will likely be offended or alarmed. Although this charge is a misdemeanor, lewdness and indecent exposure are likely to be punished with jail time and various fines, in addition to registration as a sex offender.
Internet Sex Crimes
Internet sex crimes can involve anything from solicitation in a chat room to the distribution of child pornography. In general, any sexual criminal activity involving the use of the internet is considered an internet sex crime. Enforcement of sex crime laws on the internet has become far more stringent as use of the internet has grown exponentially in the last 20 years.
Involuntary Deviate Sexual Intercourse
As a form of sexual assault, involuntary deviate sexual intercourse involves forcibly penetrating the victim's body through the mouth or anus with a foreign object. Levels of the charge vary depending on whether the victim was unaware of the penetration or otherwise incapable of avoiding the action of the defendant. IDSI also involves sexual intercourse with animals.
Throughout the course of history, prostitution is perhaps one of the most discussed about crimes in the nation. With the wide range of methods used in today's prostitution industry, law enforcement has broadened the criminal charge to include any sexual actions, favors or intercourse that is done in exchange for monetary or social gain. Under current prostitution laws, an individual on either side of the exchange may be charged with a criminal offense. The individual accused of giving sexual favors in exchange for money is likely to be charged with prostitution while the individual accused of giving money in exchange for a sexual favor will be charged with solicitation.
Rape is possibly the most serious charge under sex crime laws in Pennsylvania. It occurs when the defendant has forced sexual intercourse with a victim who is unable to resist the action. The victim may either be unconscious, detained or otherwise lack the capacity to defend themselves and resist the defendant. Rape can be charged as a first degree felony depending on the nature of the victim, the defendant's past criminal record and the extent of bodily injury.
Sexual Assault
Sexual assault involves any sort of forced penetration of or sexual contact with a victim in an unsolicited manner. In general, sexual assault requires proving that the sexual contact or intercourse was non-consensual, meaning the victim did not invite or agree to the actions of the defendant upon them. The only exception is in the cause of sexual assault on a child, which is a criminal act regardless of whether the child, who must be under the age of 14, consented to the intercourse.
Sexual Exploitation of a Child
Under Pennsylvania law, any involvement of a child less than 18 years of age is sexual exploitation. The involvement may be actual or simulated for the purpose of entertaining others in the form of media, video and photos. Any depiction or procurement of a minor performing sexual acts is considered sexual exploitation of a minor. The offense includes child pornography, child prostitution, child molestation and online solicitation of a minor.
Legal and Social Penalties for Sex Crimes
Sex crime allegations can wreak havoc with your career, your personal and social relationships, and your future. Besides the social stigma attached to a sex crime conviction, you face harsh penalties from the criminal justice system, including possible mandatory sex offender registration which is accessible to the public. In the face of sex crime charges in Pittsburgh or in the surrounding areas of western Pennsylvania, you owe it to yourself to retain the services of a highly-qualified criminal defense attorney.
Sex offender registration is one of the penalties of certain sex crimes, which means that you must obey the rules of registry. Failing to register or violating any other condition of the registry can result in further criminal charges. Because of the extremely serious nature of sex crime charges, it is imperative that you have dedicated legal service and support. The Pittsburgh sex crimes attorney at our firm offers such legal assistance.
Get Legal Defense Today!
By contacting our firm and talking to a Pittsburgh criminal defense lawyer, you can get the comprehensive and aggressive legal representation you need to fight such serious charges.
At our firm, we know that you are innocent until proven guilty and we will work zealously on your behalf to protect your rights, ensure that you are treated fairly in any criminal investigation or criminal legal process, and do everything that we can to achieve the best possible case result, based on your particular situation.

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